'Best Way to Eat Corn on the Cob' YouTube Video

I have a very particular way of eating corn on the cob and people always comment how neat my method is when they seeing me working away at one of my favorite vegetables. I have been joking for awhile now that if I was ever to make a YouTube video, how I eat my corn would be what I would film – because I am random like that. So, I decided to put actions to my words and bring this video to life.

I love to say that “nothing is easy,” and through this video-making process, I was reminded of those words and felt a new appreciation towards YouTubers and the art of video making. I had to think about what I wanted to say then recorded myself several times repeating the same lines over and over again because I kept messing up. I had to figure out the best way to film my corn eating demonstration, Frankensteining together my tripod and selfie stick to get a decent overhead shoot. Trying to find the appropriate music led me down a whole world of free-to-use music I had no idea about. And, editing everything together with my nonexistent video-editing skills was fun, but eventually I got so tired of listening to my own voice. Lol.

This will be my first and only YouTube video I will make, but as Justin Bieber says “Never say never.” Who knows – maybe I will be inspired by another random topic in the future. Until then, hope you enjoy the video and will try this corn-eating method. Happy eating!